See list below and email us to order
- A Trail on the Rail A Railway History of the Ballarat to Skipton Rail Trail
- Brown’s Diggings A Roberts Publication
- Cape Clear by J. G. Roberts
- Celebrating 150 Years – An Historical Record
- Central Highlands Historical Journal
- Come Back to Scarsdale, Scarsdale Old Boys Reunion Centenary History 1906-2006
- Connie’s Memoirs
- Cross Country – By Norman Houghton and Jack McLean
- Forest and field : a history of Ross Creek, 1840-1990
- Grand Trunk, Springdallah and Derwent Jacks
- Happy Valley A Roberts Publication
- HerStory: The Women of the Woady Yaloak
- History of Piggoreet and Golden Lake
- History of Smythesdale Fire Brigade 1862 – 2012
- Italian Gully – A Roberts Publication
- Liberty Borne of Fire
- Piggoreet, Devil’s Kitchen and Melville’s Cave
- Pitfield and Bulldog, Western Creek
- Shot for gold: the murder of Thomas Ulick
Burke on the Woady Yaloak Goldfields - Smythe’s Creek and Smythesdale
- Smythesdale General Cementery 150 years (1859-2009)
- Stables Book Purchase
- Staffordshire Reef also Kangaroo, Moonlight and Mt. Misery
- The Cardigan Mine Disaster
- The Gallows, Ballarat Goal 1864 – 1965
- The Golden Stream : a photographic history of the district around the Woady Yaloak Creek / the Woady Yaloak Historical Society
- The History of Berringa
- The Story of Browns and Scarsdale